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Good Night PI: great new song by Heidi Muller

Here's a great song about the closing of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer by the wonderful singer/songwriter Heidi Muller. In many of her songs, Heidi links vivid images of the real world like coho flashing in the Bay, or the watching the stars in the night sky, with deep emotional meaning. In this song she talks about the PI like it was an old friend, or a familiar house that's just been torn down. She gets the Wauwona in there too. Heidi wrote the song last Tuesday (March 17) and sent it out to the media the next day. I heard it on John Sincock's Lunch with Folks show on Friday on KBCS. Heidi lives somewhere in the green rolling hills of West Virgina now, but judging by this song, has never really left the Northwest. (Photo: Heidi Muller and Bob Webb.)